回复 :出品单位: 陕西西影文化传媒有限公司本片讲述了留学归来的李婷回到有着瓷都之称的德化县,因为一次意外偶遇陶艺老师唐杰。两人为了共同的陶瓷艺术使命而惺惺相惜,共同推动德化陶瓷文化,也成就了一段美好姻缘……
回复 :This apocalyptic parable carries within it a clear echo of the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This unforgiving exploration of the Czech mentality tells the tale of a troupe of wandering actors who perform a passion play in some unnamed village. Fear of some unknown danger breaks out in the village, which is cut off from the surrounding world. Stupidity, selfishness and aggressiveness then come to the surface in this society under threat. In the film's key scene, a woman is raped by the self-styled leader. Zdenuk Mahler, who would later work on Forman's examination Mozart Amadeus, worked on the script.The director Evald Schorm (1929-1988) was one of the most original members of the Czech "New Wave". During the "normalization" era, Schorm spent many years unable to direct. His last film, Killing with Kindness (1988) was only made in the twilight years of Communism. During that period when he was unable to direct films, he became an outstanding stage director. He directed groundbreaking productions at the "Na zábradlí" Theater and Laterna Magika.
回复 :五百年前,妖猴孙悟空大闹天宫,意外踢翻八卦炉导致天火降世。铁扇公主为救苍生,竭尽全力压制天火,但她腹中的红孩儿却被八卦炉的三昧真火侵蚀,成了魔童。铁扇千禧寿宴之际,红孩儿一直为母亲寻世间珍宝。听闻取经团队经过,被苍狼怪怂恿去抢唐僧。就在红孩儿和孙悟空大战之时,苍狼怪设计将二人困于八卦炉之内,原来苍狼怪幼时家人在天火中丧生,故伺机向孙悟空复仇。令人意想不到的是,苍狼怪的阴谋使得火云村百姓再次遭遇山火陷入危难之中。红孩儿成魔,化身火焰巨人,铁扇公主说出真相,用最后的法力去拯救苍生,拿出菩萨给的一滴甘露,此时孙悟空顿悟佛法,明了因果业障,一切的源头都在自己,决定自我牺牲,拿着甘露走向火焰巨人。