精品Shortly after the United States enters World War I in 1917, a Broadway actress agrees to let a naive soldier court her in order to impress his friends, but a real romance soon begins.
精品Shortly after the United States enters World War I in 1917, a Broadway actress agrees to let a naive soldier court her in order to impress his friends, but a real romance soon begins.
回复 :Inspired by a shocking story from the Windrush Scandal.After 50 years in the UK, Anthony McKay-Williams is wrongfully detained by the Home Office and threatened with deportation.Patrick Robinson and Nadine Marshall lead the drama as Anthony and Janet McKay-Williams.Pippa Bennett Warner plays Patrick’s daughter Eileen, CJ Beckford plays her brother Gary and Corinne Skinner Carter plays Patrick’s mother, Lucille.
回复 :中年失意的儿子田力行(古天乐饰)在生活上遇到了重重危机:母亲病逝、工作不顺、妻子要求离婚。正处在这苦不堪言的困境中时,田力行79岁的痴呆父亲田一雄(吴镇宇饰)却突如一只再生的蝉,接二连三地脱皮并且不断变年轻——60岁、52岁、37岁、28岁、19岁。父亲一生中的六个阶段再现,也使得田力行穿梭了“六个爸爸”的六个年代,从未与父亲认真相处过的田力行重新认识了这六个阶段的父亲,从父亲波折的一生中,他似乎找到了自己的出路和重新起步的方向……
回复 :海骁和宰文大学时本是极要好的师兄弟,均是戏剧社的骨干成员,但二人却因为喜欢上同一个女生而分道扬镳,再也未曾相见。随着时间的流逝,在首尔经营着一家二手书店的宰文已近中年,大学时候的事情不仅没有淡去,反而越来越频繁造访他的记忆。而神秘少女素丹的闯入,更是改变了他的生活,促使宰文和素丹一起远赴日本福冈寻找海骁。在宰文、海骁和素丹又一次的三人行中,往昔被一点点打开,又不知能否真的被化解……