回复 :While out riding in the country, wealthy New Yorker Alec Walker meets young widow Julie Eden, and a relationship quickly develops. However, Alec has not told her that he is already locked into a loveless marriage to the avaricious Maida, who has contrived to convince his parents she is the ideal wife. A completely coincidental car crash alerts the two women to each other's existence, a situation to which they react very differently.
回复 :平凡小镇流传千年古墓传说,墓中不仅珍宝无数,还藏有可治百病的秘药,然众多摸金人探寻都不知去处,无人归来。摸金校尉后人曹顺(王珞嘉 饰)赶鸭子上架误打误撞跌入古墓。这个墓有点东西,这么大的镇墓神兽是真的存在的吗?
回复 :由瓦尔丹·托兹加编剧执导,主要讲述年轻人在犯罪道路上的经历。在一个由权力决定公平的国度,主人公菲利浦生活在青少年收养中心,在一个腐败警察的胁迫下,他被迫参与了一次可怕的案件,因而产生无法痊愈的心理创伤。尽管菲利浦拥有其老师的帮助、收养中心的照料、朋友佩塔尔的安慰,他最终还是未能战胜那次案件后的心理创伤带给他的痛苦。痛苦吞噬了他的理智,产生复仇之念,致使他将更多年轻人拉入他残酷命运的深渊。最终菲利浦通过其暴力、凶猛的手段,将迷失的年轻人带进了黑暗、暴力的犯罪世界。