回复 :A 70th anniversary television event, Singapore 1942- End of Empire tells the story of those early shocking days of the Pacific War when belief in security and comfort from empire collapsed. For the first time this momentous 20th century battle, and its equally dramatic aftermath, will be told from a multi-national perspective, revealing new and challenging insights into a battle that turned our world upside down. Whilst the Japanese victory confirmed how useless it was for Australians to rely on Britain for their defence, post-war Australians looked to another great protective power - the United States - to align itself with. And Asian nations would rapidly determine their own destiny and seek a tumultuous independence.
回复 :“我不拯救世界,只管杀哥布林。” 据说这间边境公会里,有个只靠讨伐哥布林就升上银等(位列第三阶)的罕见案例…… 一名女神官成为冒险者后,首次加入团队,就在冒险中陷入了危机。 而拯救了她的,正是这名人称“哥布林杀手”的男子。 他不择手段,不辞劳苦,潜心扫荡哥布林。 女神官被这样的他牵着走,公会的柜台小姐感谢他,儿时玩伴的牧牛妹等候他。 一名森人(Elf)少女听闻他的事迹,也现身委托任务……
回复 :《#能干的猫今天也忧郁#》是漫画作者山田ヒツジ(山田羊) 连载的少年漫画作品。该漫画宣布TV动画化~