369(郑润奇 饰)是父亲李锦龙(郑鹏生 饰)拉扯大的,春暖父亲最大的愿望,春暖是369能考上大学,将来有个像样的生计,但369的成绩总是全校倒数前十。高二那年,369逃课被退学了,父亲的愿望泡汤,只能各种托关系,让儿子去学个一技之长,望他出社会能够独立。然而, 369做一样厌一样,混了七八年一事无成,被乡里人唱衰。最终,369决定逃离乡里,逃离每天被流言蜚语的日子,跑到深圳,做起了网络主播。父子俩的关系,在369一次次违背父亲的愿望中,走向了决裂。
369(郑润奇 饰)是父亲李锦龙(郑鹏生 饰)拉扯大的,春暖父亲最大的愿望,春暖是369能考上大学,将来有个像样的生计,但369的成绩总是全校倒数前十。高二那年,369逃课被退学了,父亲的愿望泡汤,只能各种托关系,让儿子去学个一技之长,望他出社会能够独立。然而, 369做一样厌一样,混了七八年一事无成,被乡里人唱衰。最终,369决定逃离乡里,逃离每天被流言蜚语的日子,跑到深圳,做起了网络主播。父子俩的关系,在369一次次违背父亲的愿望中,走向了决裂。
回复 :Three years after the loss of his brother Vittorio, with whom he shared his entire career, Paolo Taviani returns to the works of Luigi Pirandello, which the pair adapted in 1984 (Chaos) and 1998 (You Laugh). In keeping with the Sicilian playwright’s vision, the film is not at all what it appears to be. The title may come from a 1910 novella, but there is no trace of that book’s jealousy-riddled plot. Instead, the focus is on Pirandello himself, or rather, his ashes, which are transported from a hasty burial site in fascist Rome to a permanent resting place in Sicily, on a trek that takes us through post-war Italy and its filmed memories, as seen in newsreels, amateur films and fragments of Neorealism. Having buried the master, Leonora addio then shifts gear from road movie to film adaptation, but here it picks a different Pirandello story, namely the last one, written shortly before his death in 1936. From the farewell of the title to its return to the writer’s last words, it is hard not to read this work, so free and yet so much a part of the Taviani world, as a moving brotherly farewell which, just as in 2012’s Golden Bear winner Caesar Must Die, once again uses cinema to give voice to literature and history.
回复 :Amiko isn’t like other children. Her endless energy and curious eccentricities make her an outcast at school and get her in trouble at home. When a painful family loss disrupts her seemingly idyllic seaside life, her sense of isolation intensifies, yet it doesn’t stop Amiko from inviting people into her world.Morii Yusuke’s directorial debut is a confident and compassionate story about a child’s imagination. The film balances sorrow with joy and harsh lessons with naive delight – much like growing up. Crucially, Amiko never forgets who is at the centre of the story. The wry humour and detailed compositions of small-town Japan, as well as the film’s hopeful tenor, are reminiscent of Ogigami Naoko or Hirokazu Kore-eda’s works. The gentle and languorous atmosphere is enriched by a score from upcoming folk star Ichiko Aoba.Kana Osawa delivers an exquisite, force-of-nature performance as young Amiko. Effortlessly natural, her commanding presence and vitality carry great weight whilst ensuring the film never falls into despair. Amiko’s unbeaten spirit in the face of tired adults and uncooperative classmates lets us go through the pain, as well as experience flashes of mischievous whimsy, alongside a spiriting musical sequence that will ensure you’ll never listen to a conga drum the same way.
回复 :初三•一班的教室里,即将毕业的学生们认真地聆听着老师的谆谆教诲,稚嫩的肩上承担着老师的希望、父母的期许。文静、内向的欣欣神往地望着老师讲台上的眼镜,淡蓝色的镜框映在镜片上,在阳光的照耀下就像盈盈的海水。欣欣正处在美丽的多梦时节,蔚蓝的人海、金黄的沙滩、绿色的小岛和慈祥的奶奶…~童年生活中的一切在她记忆中像一首甜美的童话诗,常使她沉浸在无边的遐想里。欣欣追寻着梦幻,因为现实使她无力负担,她渴望长大却又害怕长大;她喜爱绘画却得不到父母的理解。他们虽然在生活上对她无微不至,却忽略了她已逐渐成长,有独立的思想、感情和爱好,一味要求她必须考上重点中学。中考前夕,欣欣失去了奶奶,脆弱的感情一时难以平复,再加上学习的压力,她的考试成绩没有达到父母预定的目标。面对责难,欣欣不知何去何从。夜晚的海滩,海浪凶猛地拍打着岩石,欣欣惊恐地看到了大海粗犷的一面。聪明的王乐喜欢独立思考,对各种问题有自己独到的见解,和许多同龄的孩子一样,他也有偏激的一面:厌恶呆板的教育体制,以不恰当的方式进行反抗,不理解老师苦口婆心的劝导,常遭老师训斥。在老师看来,他是个捉摸不透的孩子,很难用“好孩子、坏孩子”来评价他。在妈妈的溺爱中长大,知道妈妈把一切寄托在他身上,而事业有成的父亲却发出了召唤,希望他去美国发展。舒飞感到矛盾,他既想到国外去过舒适的生活,又舍不得离开妈妈。班里还有活泼天真的晓云、开朗风趣的叶明、严肃古板的班长、可笑可爱的胖姐……小小的教室就像一个小小的社会,每个人都带着各自的苦恼、幻想和追求生活着。