回复 :To Elena, existence is an effort—not only does she struggle against her body affected by Parkinson’s, but her daughter has just shown up dead and only she finds the suicide hypothesis implausible. Elena is not a good victim, and doesn’t show signs of having been a selfless mother. She is vulnerable, but also overcome by rage and sorrow, and that stubbornness seems to render her invincible, against all odds. But investigating the reasons for her daughter’s death soon becomes a trip through memory, and, as we’ve known since the time of Greek tragedies, every investigation is, deep down, an investigation about oneself. Elena Knows submerges us in the physical and mental experience of its protagonist and, at the same time, invites us to ask ourselves uncomfortable questions about aging, the complexity of mother-daughter bonds and the weight of those mandates women drag the same way Elena drags her feet.
回复 :春樹と元喜は高校3年生。春休みの課題「人物ドキュメント論文」に、生徒会副会長千里の性癖を暴こうと追跡をしていた。そんな折、バス停の列に乳酸菌飲料「ヨークル」を売りつけている女を見かける。制服を着崩してサラリーマンたちの目を釘づけにしているその女に興味を持つ2人。彼らはターゲットを千里から乳酸菌飲料販売員の女に変え、尾行を開始する…。
回复 :阿花(颜卓灵 饰)从小就展现出了过人的舞蹈天赋,长大后,怀揣着对舞蹈的一腔热情与热血,阿花加入了大学舞蹈队BombA。队长戴夫(杨乐文 饰)十分看好阿花的才能,两人相约挑战在舞蹈界称霸一时的Rooftoppers。没想到,这一举动却让阿花遭遇到了一生中最巨大的失败和挫折。伤心的阿花离开了BombA,之后偶然遇见了太极社社长阿良(蔡瀚亿 饰),阿良用太极带给了阿花启发,令阿花悟出了全新的舞步,同时找回了对舞蹈的热爱和自信。之后,阿花再一次向Rooftoppers发出了挑战,然而,就在这个节骨眼上,她却因为脚伤而无法行动,一直以来坚定的梦想眼看就要破灭,就在此时,Rooftoppers的队长飓风(Tommy "Guns" Ly 饰)找到了阿花,向她透露了一个惊人的秘密。