回复 :In 1995, the young Taiwanese woman writer Qiu Miaojin committed suicide in Paris’s Montmartre district, leaving behind the autobiographical novel LAST WORDS IN MONTMARTRE. Two decades later, the novel was published in English by the prestigious New York Review Books, bringing Qiu renown in Western literary circles and quickly prompting translations into other European languages. Qiu is considered the first openly lesbian novelist in the history of Chinese literature; her debut novel, NOTES OF A CROCODILE, became a “Bible” for the Taiwanese lesbian community and an underground classic in Taiwan and Hong Kong, with an official edition finally published in 2012. DEATH IN MONTMARTRE travels through Taiwan, Paris, and New York to trace the life of this literary star who enjoyed fame only after her death, interviewing literary masters from Taiwan, France, and the U.S. while discussing LGBTQ culture and lesbian literature from a perspective of equality.
回复 :外婆的突然离世,让从小跟着外婆长大的茉茉没能见到外婆最后一面,因此而遗憾难过。而此时,父母承包的养鸭场又遭遇禽流感的危机,家庭陷入了穷困之中。她听说穿上“公主裙”就能再次见到外婆,为了弥补心中的遗憾,得到梦寐以求的“公主裙”,多次向父母提出想买一件“公主裙”。而此时,家庭的重担给父母带来的前所未有的压力。妈妈不仅没有给她买,反而批评了她们。于是,她们想利用暑假在鸭场帮忙自己赚钱买“公主裙”。经过一个暑假的努力,她们完成了自己的梦想,同时感受了生活的无奈与父母的艰辛,在一家人的努力下度过了难关。
回复 :林婉静(郭奕芯 饰)是老师和同学眼中的乖乖女,然而只有她自己知道,平日里的温和和顺从不过只是表象,她一直带着沉重的假面生活,深感压抑。苏可怡(麦芷谊 饰)向来我行我素,如同花蝴蝶一般辗转在荷尔蒙气息强烈的帅气男孩之间,是典型的问题学生。陈爱爱(廖子妤 饰)天生内向而羞涩,总是成为众人欺负和排挤的对象。一场意外让三个性格迥异的女孩走到了一起,结下了脆弱但纯真的友谊,然而,陈爱爱援交的消息令这友谊最终四分五裂,三人分道扬镳。之后,三人各自面对苍白而又惨淡的人生,以她们特有的方式与之对抗,当三人再度相聚在一起结成同盟之时,却发现,她们早已经回不到过去。