回复 :Claudie, a young French woman, inherits her uncle's property in Algeria, much to the disappointment of her scheming cousins Diane and Manuel. On the ferry she meets and falls for Pierre, an idle young man who has squandered his inheritance and is on his way to beg from Christian, his rich but rough-and-ready uncle, who owns a neighbouring farm to Claudie's. Made to work on the farm by Christian as a loan condition, Pierre is soon a changed man, and proposes to Claudie. But when his Arab friend Zoubir invites the Europeans on a hunting party, Diane and Manuel see their chance to move against their cousin.
回复 :哥哥是劣迹斑斑的江洋大盗,弟弟是布道传教的教士,然而阴差阳错下,两人互换了身份,由此各自踏上新的旅程。天使与魔鬼的组合演绎出一段啼笑皆非的故事。
回复 :為了探尋生命的奧秘,學者安東尼招募了十二位「門徒」到避世莊園一起進行實驗討倫哲學、和操演,然而過程愈發離奇及不可收拾,終極解答是否存在?而迎接他們的是否真為來生?抑或是地獄走一遭?《十三門徒》有著雲翔導演一貫特立獨行的風格 —— 不受拘束、裸露、男色、性張力、甚至群交等元素。透過打破禁忌與道德觀的行為,思考其中的人性。