回复 :日本战国时代末期,各路诸侯连年征伐,战火不断,致令饿殍遍野,生灵涂炭。一代霸主丰臣秀吉死后,旧有的丰臣家族和德川家康发动了夺取天下的战争。为了有效摧毁对手,德川下令组建了武功高桥的杀手集团,在这些人中间,唯一的少女阿墨(上户彩 饰)正是其中的佼佼者。继加藤正清、浅野长政之后,真田昌幸(平干二朗 饰)便是德川家族天下制霸的最后阻碍,而此番阿墨也将其作为最后的刺杀目标。无休止的杀戮,让这个没有笑容的少女早已厌倦,当在一次的争斗开始时,她却邂逅了那个与死去恋人长得一模一样的敌军武士银角(小栗旬 饰)。阿墨的命运由此变得扑朔迷离……
回复 :A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed presents interviews from researchers and eyewitnesses. The film covers historical accounts of Bigfoot, the significance within the indigenous cultures, and the emotional impact of a Bigfoot experience.
回复 :Selling Isobel, a thriller based on true events, featuring the real victim in true life playing the main charter. It's about a woman who got locked in, drugged, held against her will and sold to numerous men for 3 days in an apartment in central London. It's a film about her fight for survival all the way to the gruesome end.