一位年轻的女医师苏珊菲勒,恶宅其好朋友因简单的手术而陷入昏迷状态;然而在她服务的医院中,恶宅也有许多类似的病人,在经过简单的手术后呈现昏迷, 这些病患被送至另一机构集中照顾,但是苏珊菲勒发现事情并不如她所想......
一位年轻的女医师苏珊菲勒,恶宅其好朋友因简单的手术而陷入昏迷状态;然而在她服务的医院中,恶宅也有许多类似的病人,在经过简单的手术后呈现昏迷, 这些病患被送至另一机构集中照顾,但是苏珊菲勒发现事情并不如她所想......
回复 :1638年,因不堪饥荒和针对天主教徒的压迫,日本爆发了岛原之乱,德川幕府派遣十二万大军征讨,大败天草四郎时贞(洼冢洋介 饰)统率的岛原军,以妖术闻名的天草在临死前令幕府来将陷入狂乱。多年以后,德川家康的三子、当世将军的叔叔、有南海之龙之称的德川赖宣在打猎时遇见还魂归来的天草以及其侍女(麻生久美子 饰),天草怂恿赖宣用实力夺权,并向其展示了借用女性身体为媒介令死者复活的魔界转生之术。天草收集女性做为转生法术载体,将柳生一族拖入了此事,柳生十兵卫(佐藤浩市 饰)与天草复活的昔日同门荒木又右卫门恶战并斩断其一臂。天草将宝藏院胤舜、柳生但马守宗矩和宫本武藏等高手先后引入魔界,与柳生十兵卫展开连番搏杀……
回复 :One year on from the notorious "Jack The Ripper" murders, the killings have stopped, but the identity of the killer remains a mystery. Down-at-heel newspaper reporter Sebastian Stubb has moved on to reporting on other scandals, but when a new "Ripper" letter appears on his desk and the killings start again, he unwittingly finds himself at the center of a new mystery. Has the "Ripper" returned, or is it a copycat killer? Or something else entirely?
回复 :The sixteenth installment of the Shake, Rattle & Roll film series after a 9-year hiatus since the fifteenth film. Neglected and addicted to gadgets, 6-year-old Lyka befriends a malevolent entity from a defunct children’s show, causing deadly events at home. A group of influencers and content creators gather for a collab in a luxurious mansion. A bunch of thrill-seekers go on a trip to watch a meteor shower.