春暖A struggling writer meets death and falls in love. He must decide if his true love is in this world or the next, and if his dreams of success are worth dying for.
春暖A struggling writer meets death and falls in love. He must decide if his true love is in this world or the next, and if his dreams of success are worth dying for.
回复 :伊文斯(克里斯蒂安·克拉克 饰)在妻子车祸死后精神崩溃,记忆中最后一幕是妻子出轨,因此他努力寻找妻子的情人,认为那才是他治愈精神创伤的唯一可能。但事情的发展却渐渐失去掌控,浮出水面的真相令人心惊。性、失落和悔恨三大主题缠绕交织……收起详
回复 :影片立足普通投资者,以散户王起来为第一视角,意外卷入一场资本商战的漩涡,三组不同阶层的人物经历了一场黑色荒诞之旅,旨在展现股市众生相,中国股市三十年“投资者心灵自传”,同时也是资本市场潮起潮落,盛衰荣辱的一个缩影。
回复 :经验老道的妓女与菜鸟男娼上床后,他们很快就发现这种纯粹的肉体关系不能完全满足他们。