回复 :我壹代仙君下凡渡劫,居然转生在窝囊废的身体!而我这次旅行下凡的任务,竟然是帮助我座下的仙草渡过天劫,和她喜结良缘!有我在,我看有谁敢动她!
回复 :现年35岁的梅泽勇(山口达也 饰)从某种程度说也可谓一帆风顺,他自幼运动神经发达,凭借在体育方面的特长而一路通关,从来没有什么备战考试的概念。数年前他与妻子离婚,在外忙完工作之余,还要肩负起照顾儿子的广(长岛弘宜 饰)的重任。广几乎继承了爸爸的基因,在棒球赛场上颇有建树,学习方面自然马马虎虎。可就在某天,广竟然提出想要参加中学入学考试的要求。而阿勇此时才后知后觉的发现,自己对儿子学习方面的督促早已慢了许多牌。所谓临阵磨枪不快也光,他为儿子请来了家庭教师——私立应林中学的特招生菅原道子(成海璃子 饰)。在这位学习天才的训练下,勇和广能否突破人生当前最大的危机呢?©豆瓣
回复 :A Bit of Fry & Laurie was a British television sketch comedy show, starring and written by Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, broadcast by the BBC between 1989 and 1995. Running for four series, it totalled 26 episodes (including a 35 minute special in 1987).Series four (1995)[edit]Episode 1Guests: John Bird, Jane BookerSketches:Grey and HopelessGuests IntroductionBlameCharterJane's Poem (NOTE: Script appeared in first script book as Stephen's Poem, but the poem is the same, except the line about his wife dying is changed to Jane's grandfather being murdered.)SmellAll We Gotta' Do (song; Laurie performed this song when he hosted "Saturday Night Live" in 2006)Channel ChangerWonderful LifeCocktail Ending: Golden Meteorite[edit]Episode 2Guests: Fiona Gillies, Kevin McNallySketches:Dog HamperHugh's BandageChild AbuseGuests IntroductionGoing for GoldI'm in love with Steffi Graf (song)Lovers' HelperFascionAvengerOperational CriteriaCocktail Ending: Long, Confident Suck[edit]Episode 3Guests: Imelda Staunton, Clive MantleSketches:Vox PopsGuests IntroductionBarmanInterruptusLittle Girl (song)Making TeaFor Some Reason AngryDon't Be DirtyCocktail Ending: South Seas Vulvic Wart[edit]Episode 4Guests: Caroline Quentin, Patrick BarlowSketches:Good EveningGuests IntroductionSoccer SchoolDalliard: ModelsHugh Interviewing GuestsThe polite rap (song)Head GardenerGelliant Gutfright("Flowers For Wendy")Cocktail Ending: A Quick One With You, Stephen[edit]Episode 5Guests: Phyllida Law, Stephen MooreSketches:Oprah WinfreyGuests IntroductionGrand PrixTribunalRed and ShinyPoochDisgustingWaspsCocktail Ending: Swinging Ballsack[edit]Episode 6Guests: NoneSketches:Stolen MoneyYoung Tory of the YearVarietyGossiping HeadsDeath ThreatWhat I Mind (Misunderstood) (Song)HondaThe Duke of NorthamptonCocktail Ending: Silver Prostate[edit]Episode 7Guests: Janine Duvitski, Robert DawsSketches:Guests IntroductionReligiantoConsentSophisticated Song (song)Fast MonologueTelephone AlertTruancyCocktail Ending: A Modern Britain