回复 :Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company on a post-mega-disaster wasteland zombie film in which South America had been turned into an all-purpose, all-materials junkyard, with the undead as the last humane entities around (forget about the humans here!).The project never materialised, but Diego Parés, Pablo’s brother, started to write and draw a comic series based on the screenplay – which so far remains a ruin, as only parts were finished and published. The ECish beauty and balls of Diego P.’s labour of love have now been congenially transformed by the directorial duo into a delightfully old-(1970s)school low-budget production, closer to Romero and Dante than Fulci and Lenzi. And the IFFR audience is in for the treat of treats: they get to see the film and can also enjoy the unfinished comic in an exhibition.
回复 :「為了電影,我連命都可以不要。」他成為中亞最紅的電影天王… 熱愛電影的少年因戰亂逃往鄰國,回國後卻被徵招加入軍隊,好死不死還遭到敵軍襲擊,同袍們全都不幸為國捐軀,他扮成死屍才逃過一劫。退伍後決定完成電影夢,沒想到卻成為恐怖組織的眼中釘,火箭砲朝劇組無情的招呼,拍片人生依舊不喊卡!身兼導演、男主角、編劇、製片於一身,類型橫跨愛情、動作、戰爭、歌舞…等,沙林珊辛拍了30多年、100多部電影,一句「為了電影,我連命都可以不要。」讓他成為中亞最紅的電影天王…。
回复 :阿可是一个游戏公司的CEO兼游戏设计师,最近一直在设计一款即将上市的游戏《魔界通缉》,这款游戏为玩家提供了更加真实的体验,在最后的一次玩家测试时,一位玩家差点因为游戏丢了性命,且一直未查明原因。压力很大的阿可开始生活中经常出现幻觉。同时眼睛也出了问题。游戏设计如期完成,期间阿可一直阻止公司召开游戏发布会,希望能查清游戏的安全性,但被一个神秘人阻挠。游戏发布会如期召开,引起粉丝疯狂捧场,神秘人在发布会上也代替了阿可的发言。游戏上线后阿可发现游戏开始慢慢控制玩家,同时发生了越来越多的不可思议的事情。当阿可想删除游戏源代码时,所有玩家对阿可开始了真正的通缉……