回复 :This movie is also called "Dust of life" in English and was made by Alex Bouchareb in 1994.In 1975, 3 kids decide to escape a reeducation camp in the Vietnamese equatorial forest near Cambodia where the Amerasians are imprisoned, tortured both mentally and physically. Son, the hero is sent in that camp after her mother fails to find his father to send him away to America.Search the web for the title to find more information. You can find the poster of the movie on cineposters dot com.Kind of reminds me of Papillon or the Killing Fields though maybe a notch down in terms of realization... This movie is based on facts from the after war.
回复 :Loving girlfriend, family fortune, breakout movie role: he's got it all. Until an app awakens a powerful new yearning. While in Rome to shoot his first movie, Niccolò becomes obsessed and sent into a self-destructive spiral.
回复 :刚服完兵役的莫东(韩石圭 饰)坐火车回家的路上认识了美爱(沈惠珍 饰)。不知为何,莫东感觉自己以后的生活都会跟美爱有牵连。回家后的莫东正找工作,他再次遇到了美爱,美爱是在夜总会唱歌的,更是黑帮老大(文成根 饰)的女友。莫东也因为美爱的关系加入了黑社会。忠心耿耿的莫东对美爱却有一丝丝的好感,而美爱冷酷的外表后面是一颗炽热的心。没想到,他们的组织面临解散,莫东打算付出自己的所有以及心爱的女人,他却得不到应有的回报……