回复 :Aspirations and the lives of several people working at the gigantic Seacoast National Bank Building interweave in various plots. The most notable character is David Dwight, the womanizing bank owner who keeps his estranged wife happy by paying for her extravagant globetrotting. Dwight's long time secretary Sarah yearns for them to divorce so her affair with him can be legitimized. Sarah shows her good side by playing mother to the young innocent Lynn Harding, who she employs as an assistant. Beautiful Miss Harding is relentlessly pursued by extroverted bank teller Tom Sheppard, but he is frustrated when Dwight lures her away with power and wealth. Then Dwight ruins everyone's finances in a successful bid to get full control of his skyscraper by manipulating the company's stock price. Now there doesn't appear to be anyone who can prevent the power monger from taking advantage of the ingenue Harding-or is there?
回复 :电影讲述了同在一间银行ATM部门中工作的何必(朱亚文饰)与蒙小鲜(张榕容饰),由于公司禁止办公室恋情,正秘密的谈着地下恋爱。与此同时300公里以外的熊仁镇一个ATM机出现故障,取一倍的钱吐两倍的现金,造成银行财产损失。于是蒙小鲜和何必约定,谁先找到被多取得钱谁就可以留在银行,另一个必须辞职。于是一场争钱斗爱的游戏在小镇迅速展开。
回复 :昔日赛车手梁晖(周游 饰)在目睹好友周晓杰(段博文 饰)意外死亡后一蹶不振,重新做回货车司机,却在一场车祸中意外发现好友遗物里的秘密,难道他还活着?实习医生田小心(郭姝彤 饰)爱上了从未赢过、总是被打得伤痕累累的拳手小孙(李程彬 饰),她想以爱之名救助小孙,却使一切背道而驰,两人的爱情能否逃过被设定的命运?身患绝症的小小(王柏杰 饰)终于找到了可以拯救自己性命的镜像人安先生(颜卓灵 饰),但一命换一命的生死抉择下,是两个渴望自由的灵魂,小小会对安先生下手吗?陪伴、告别、活着,面对命运无情的捉弄,心怀不甘的他们选择逆流而上,追寻自己的明日青春。