回复 :明,万历年间,江湖两大暗杀门派,无名门突遭血洗,唐门继承人遇刺,嫌犯张未然,不知所踪……数年后,独行大盗郭长生被一名神秘白衣人抓获,镖头王一刀金盆洗手之际同意护送他们一程作为最后一次押镖,路途中王一刀发现越来越多神秘高手围绕着郭长生出现。恩怨指向了十几年前江湖最传奇的门派——“无名门”的继承者大血战和消失的张未然。每个当事人对那一晚的对决都有不同的讲述。无名门在大火中消失的真相慢慢浮现,谁是当年的真凶,谁又将是之后的幸存者,到底真相如何?
回复 :Different Drummers is based on a true story about two unusual boys in Spokane, Washington in the mid 1960s. In this more innocent time, when body builder Jack Lalanne ruled the airwaves, the two heroes, a couple of elementary school students, make a bold attempt to triumph over mortality through friendship. Eleven year old David is slowing down and is now wheelchair-bound by muscular dystrophy, while Lyle can't stop speeding up. Back then, he was referred to as having a condition called MDB (Minimal Brain Dysfunction) but today he would be diagnosed with "Attention Deficit Disorder." Lyle wants more than anything to get David out of his wheelchair and running again, and he concocts a wild scheme involving a science project, some firemen, drummers, the school principal, a cop and a hand-walk across the school gymnasium, among other things. It works like this: Inspired by his TV idol, Lalanne, and his message of "intestinal fortitude and willpower," Lyle manages to convince David that ...
回复 :少林哑徒弟(成龙 饰)为了报杀父之仇而学武,从挑水砍柴做起,苦熬内功基础,打出木人巷学成武功的情形时时出现在他的梦中,父亲被害的惨状和客居少林的五枚师太的开解令他在疲乏时咬紧牙关坚持。哑徒弟在少林禁地发现了被锁住的老怪人法愚,法愚不似少林僧人,但有感于哑徒弟的照顾,法愚指点尚不具备学习少林武术资格的哑徒弟武功,期间哑徒弟师兄闯入木人巷却实力不济铩羽而归。五枚师太见独自温习武功的哑徒弟出招狠辣,随传授蛇翼八步调理其心性,经法愚调教,哑徒弟成功打出木人巷,得以学成下山,法愚令其携带信物联络江湖帮派,引发江湖搏杀,而哑徒弟又发现了法愚的真实身份……