回复 :凱瑟琳父親去世時留下一棟荒廢的房子給她。她想要盡快處理房子並離開這裡。凱瑟琳對這棟房子有很深的印象,卻想不起在這裡的一切,然而當地居民卻相傳這裡發生過離奇失蹤與疑似謀殺事件…面對過去,家人是否隱瞞了她什麼?或是她自己選擇遺忘過去?在這棟恐怖的房子裡,詭異的事情不斷發生:門被打開、地下室裡傳來奇怪的聲音。凱瑟琳想要離開但又想要追查家族的過往。她會有足夠勇氣去探究內心的黑暗來解放自己嗎?還是會因為家族的原罪而受到傷害呢?
回复 :After three decades, the U.S. Air Force One aircrafts will soon be retired. In their place is a new, 747 jumbo jet that has been transformed into the flying White House. THE NEW AIR FORCE ONE: FLYING FORTRESS follows the classified mission to create the new presidential aircraft and provides an inside look at the cutting-edge technology that transforms the plane into a top-secret command center.
回复 :eee故事从一起惨绝人寰的008班机空难揭开序幕,这场空难仅有一名幸存者空姐苏妮.