回复 : 《奎迪:英雄再起》讲述拳王奎迪迎战“父仇”对手,遭遇惨败跌入人生低谷,在教练洛奇和家人的帮助下,克服心理障碍重新振作的故事
回复 :Clay Holman (Rob Beare) had everything a young man could hope for, everything but sight. It wasn't until a group of specialists chose him to undergo a groundbreaking eye surgery, that Clay realized just how much there is to see. Disregarding his inability to read or recognize colors and signs, he sets off on an epic journey that takes him from the vibrant streets of Japan, to the coral reefs of Indonesia, and through the sprawling slums of India to the great heights of the Himalayas! Along the way he experiences breathtaking love, crippling grief, physical turmoil, and awestruck wonder. This inspiring, heartfelt adventure will take you for the most beautiful ride of your life! A ride you'll wish will never end.
回复 :李鸿声(林津锋 饰)是黑社会内部的洗钱高手,身经百战,相关经验十分丰富,深得老大的重用和信赖。然而,某日,李鸿声却遭遇了职业生涯中的最重大危机,由他经手的五百万黑钱竟然被一位身份神秘的蒙面劫匪给抢走了。老大要求李鸿声尽快追回款项,否则他有可能小命不保,李鸿声只得向大律师姜东(焦恩俊 饰)求助。而令所有人都没有想到的是,这笔丢失的巨款居然阴差阳错的出现在了小司机梁昆(胡双泉 饰)的扯上。警探王维(连凯 饰)注意到了李鸿声的可疑举动,随即对他展开了调查。与此同时,黑帮老大程剑锋(韩秋池 饰)的儿子遭人绑架,下落不明。