回复 :两年前,巴西圣保罗。Edgar和女友Julia在车上调情闯红灯,将Walter的妻子和七岁儿子撞死,在贿赂州议员之后才得以身免牢狱之灾,在经过在美国Miami休整之后,Edgar卷土重来,目标直指贪腐政客
回复 :Dante has a beautiful relationship with his girlfriend Alice, but he has a bad one with Time: absorbed by the many commitments of his daily life, he always arrives late and has the impression that his life is flowing too quickly. It also happens on the first day of his forty years, when Dante shows up hours late at his birthday party. According to him, the solution seems at hand: if he works hard enough, maybe in a few years he will be able to buy some time.
回复 :Still in the thrall of the evil vampire Radu, Michelle yearns to be taught the skills of the vampire. Meanwhile, her sister Becky tries to free her from his evil clutches, and this time, she's brought some help...