《宾虚:久爱一个基督徒的故事》虚构了一个犹太王子——犹大·宾虚(Judah Ben-Hur),久爱以一个类似《基督山伯爵》的故事为我们展现了他因与好友信念不同而遭到陷害、继而流放、被卖为奴、成为角斗士回乡复仇,最终成为一名耶稣信徒的曲折而传奇的一生。新版《宾虚》由《刺客联盟》(Wanted)导演提莫·贝克曼贝托夫(Timur Bekmambetov)导演,剧本由《为奴十二年》的编剧约翰·雷德利(John Ridley)在基思·克拉克(Keith Clarke)初稿剧本基础上创作。
《宾虚:久爱一个基督徒的故事》虚构了一个犹太王子——犹大·宾虚(Judah Ben-Hur),久爱以一个类似《基督山伯爵》的故事为我们展现了他因与好友信念不同而遭到陷害、继而流放、被卖为奴、成为角斗士回乡复仇,最终成为一名耶稣信徒的曲折而传奇的一生。新版《宾虚》由《刺客联盟》(Wanted)导演提莫·贝克曼贝托夫(Timur Bekmambetov)导演,剧本由《为奴十二年》的编剧约翰·雷德利(John Ridley)在基思·克拉克(Keith Clarke)初稿剧本基础上创作。
回复 :Chapman and Maclain Way’s energetic telling of one of baseball’s great, unheralded stories is as much about independent spirit as it is about the game. When Portland, Oregon, lost its longtime minor-league affiliate, Bing Russell—who briefly played ball professionally before enjoying a successful Hollywood acting career—bought the territory and formed a single-A team to operate outside the confines of major-league baseball. When they took the field in 1973, the Mavericks—the only independent team in America—started with two strikes against them. What did Deputy Clem from Bonanza know about baseball? Or Portland, for that matter? The only thing uniting his players, recruited at open tryouts, was that no other team wanted them. Skeptics agreed that it could never work.But Bing understood a ballplayer’s dreams, and he understood an audience. His quirky, unkempt castoffs won games, and they won fans, shattering minor-league attendance records. Their spirit was contagious, and during their short reign, the Mavericks—a restaurant owner turned manager, left-handed catcher, and blackballed pitcher among them—brought independence back to baseball and embodied what it was all about: the love of the game.- J.N.
回复 :清朝初期,康熙皇帝尚且年少,奸臣从中控制政权,民不聊生。“天地会”是一个推翻清朝的民间组织。“天地会”首领陈近南(刘松仁 饰)在一次行动中幸得韦小宝(周星驰 饰)相救,小宝就此加入天地会,被派到王宫当卧底,偷取藏有清朝秘密的四十二章经。聪明机灵的小宝很快便成为了皇上的心腹,做了大官。小宝陷入了两难的状态,他既要执行任务却又跟皇帝成为了好朋友。就在小宝想要逃走之际,师父陈近南也找到了他,并派人监视他回到王宫。不久,小宝便受到了鳌拜同盟以及假太后的追杀,与天地会的人大战起来。
回复 :一部温情而幽默的纪录片,这部电影由来自全球的六位杰出的父亲组成,通过访谈录、家庭影片,短视频纪录等形式展现父亲育儿的考验和磨难。