集团裁员风波之下,亚洲人心惶惶,亚洲底层钳工胡建林(大鹏 饰)却被阴差阳错调入集团总部!裹挟在“错调”事件中的人事经理马杰(白客 饰)诚惶诚恐,为保饭碗被迫为其周旋隐瞒。从“工厂”到“大厂”,从“蓝领”变“金领”,胡建林因与大厂环境格格不入而笑料百出,也像一面“职场照妖镜”照出众生相……胡建林为何能在裁员之际一路升职加薪制霸大厂?马杰又能否在“错调”事件中全身而退?这对“天选打工双侠”会引发怎样轰轰烈烈的职场大整顿?
集团裁员风波之下,亚洲人心惶惶,亚洲底层钳工胡建林(大鹏 饰)却被阴差阳错调入集团总部!裹挟在“错调”事件中的人事经理马杰(白客 饰)诚惶诚恐,为保饭碗被迫为其周旋隐瞒。从“工厂”到“大厂”,从“蓝领”变“金领”,胡建林因与大厂环境格格不入而笑料百出,也像一面“职场照妖镜”照出众生相……胡建林为何能在裁员之际一路升职加薪制霸大厂?马杰又能否在“错调”事件中全身而退?这对“天选打工双侠”会引发怎样轰轰烈烈的职场大整顿?
回复 :如果你是神,你是否会舍己,而救苍生?千百年来,江豚一族以拜风之舞,守护长江子民。现代长江生态遭受破坏,令存活千百年的江豚一族逐渐走向灭绝。江豚仙子江泠肩负着拯救族人的使命,勇敢闯入人间,但江豚一族与人类的积怨已深,江泠能否克服重重艰险成功拯救江豚,人类与江豚跨越千年的羁绊又能否续写?
回复 :A miracle independent film capturing the growth of a single baby over a period of 3 years.The film revolves around three struggling actors Michio, Gunji, and Enoken, who share a house together. One day, they find a baby girl left with a letter from Michio's ex-girlfriend. They name the child "Don-chan" and embark on the journey of raising her, despite their initial confusion. Directed by OKITA Shuichi, known for films such as "A Story of Yonosuke” and “The Fish Tale”, the movie is a self-produced project featuring OKITA and his actor friends, documenting the life of his own daughter from 6 months to 3 and a half years old. Shot entirely with a handheld camera, the film captures the heartwarming moments of Don-chan's growth and the challenges faced by the three men in nurturing her. The film was also shot on location in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, where Ueda Eigeki, a local theater, recommends the movie. Don-chan's growth is complimented along with the picturesque scenery of Bessho Onsen and Sugadaira Kogen. The heartwarming world of OKITA Shuichi, where drama and reality coexist in a mysterious harmony, unfolds throughout the film. From a crying infant, Don-chan grows to a point where she can speak her lines, and everyone's affectionate watch over her brings warmth and comfort to the viewers.
回复 :在一场品酒大会上,玛姬初识行为不羁的奥利佛,但在玛姬眼中奥利佛是一个没有酒品的家伙,然二人却因不同的特质而相互吸引。一位律师的委托案,使玛姬及奥利佛为运送一瓶价值非凡的名酒-「慧星之年」已成为嗜酒老饕及一群野心家们抢夺的目标,使他俩卷入一连串的阴谋中···