回复 :Comedy series about the lives and loves of a group of quirky 16-year-old girls. After hearing upsetting news from her dad, Viva decides to leave home and live with her friends.Some Girls is about the lives and loves of a group of quirky 16-year-old girls who play on the same school football team and live on the same inner city estate. We join them on their bumpy journey through adolescence, taking in boys, sex, cliques, teachers, heartbreak, fun and even some football along the way.At the heart of the comedy is Viva (Adelayo Adedayo), whose ambition is to stay motivated and go to college. She lives with her dad Rob (Colin Salmon) and her stepmother Anna (Dolly Wells), a New Zealander who also happens to be Viva's sadistic PE teacher.Viva is great friends with Holli (Natasha Jonas) whose entertaining, violent outbursts are legendary. Saz (Mandeep Dhillon) and Amber (Alice Felgate) complete the gang. They talk about everything from history homework to their ambitions in life. They share everything: their clothes, their moods, their secrets and - occasionally - their mothers' tranquillisers.
回复 :满清末年,黑白颠倒,世事难料。曾经贵为公子哥的虞小白(杨志刚 饰)因莫须有的罪名家破人亡,他跟着家奴许大胆(黄海波 饰)仓皇逃生,并报了杀父之仇,从此二人结为患难兄弟。风云变幻的时代,转眼间清王朝灭亡,革命运动风起云涌,这对兄弟也不可避免被卷入蓬勃的浪潮之中。大胆受结拜大哥黄敬章(江涛 饰)所感染,决心加入中国共产党。久经历练的他背负着使命重新回到小白的面前,此行他要刺杀日本女间谍东野裕美(岳丽娜 饰),而对方偏偏是小白在日本时候的女朋友。两个好兄弟围绕着儿女情长和家国大义展开了最后的抗衡……
回复 :RJ已结束, 第七季将进入新的Jisbon时代。第七季为最终季。* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *《超感神探》将于美国时间11月30日周日回归。在周日档播出四周后,从1月7日起《超感》会换至周三的8点档,直到剧终。最终集会在2月18日播出。