回复 :A group of diverse individuals are suddenly taken from their homes and flown via helicopter to a futuristic bomb shelter in the desert, one-third of a mile below the surface of the Earth. There, they learn that a nuclear holocaust is taking place and that they've been "chosen" by computer to survive in the shelter in order to continue the human race. The shelter is designed to ...
回复 :一个绝望的男人与魔鬼做了一笔交易,希望他所有的尘世梦想都能实现。但伴随着这一交易达成之时,他必须付出巨大的代价....
回复 :高三的一场考试改变了钱梁、朱乐乐和肖楠三人的命运。多年之后,随着身为三人关系核心的钱梁意外离世,隐藏在三人之间的一个又一个秘密渐渐浮出水面。最终,众人心中的爱恨情仇,随着钱梁葬礼的举行被化解。