回复 :
回复 :梅花盗事件两年后,与云庄藏有武功秘笈的消息传遍江湖,已隐居的李寻欢(朱江)为保护诗音(温柳媚),再次捲入武林纠纷。原来整件事是林仙儿(黄杏秀)的阴谋,目的是利用金钱帮帮主上官金虹(张冲)夺取秘笈的野心去对付欢。欢得高人孙老先生(光毅)及其孙女小红(欧阳珮珊)相助,得悉底蕴,更重见飞(黄元申)。飞意志消沉,而且深信仙己改邪归正。欢欲揭穿仙真面目,但仙诡计多端,反而令飞误会欢。未几,欢接到上官的挑战书,而飞发现仙与上官的暖昧关係,悲痛莫名。决战临近,欢与上官之战,究竟会鹿死谁手?飞又能否慧剑斩情丝?本剧为TVB1978年13集电视剧《小李飞刀》的续篇,改编自古龙小说《多情剑客无情剑》下集《铁胆大侠魂》。
回复 :The first series, Ben, a dentist, and Susan, the worst cook in the world, are certainly loving, caring parents, they just have a problem showing it. Ben seems to be confused as to how much time and money his kids demand from him. Susan has to juggle motherhood, a career and a husband and does not have enough time to manage everything including improving her cooking skills. Nick is always working on his next hair-brained scheme to keep him amused. Janey, like any normal teenage daughter feels that her parents are seriously embarrassing whilst Michael keeps his head in his books to get away from the noise.