有本Follows the making of the Pixar "Lightyear".
有本Follows the making of the Pixar "Lightyear".
回复 :2014年,一名2岁的泰国女孩Einz被诊断为脑癌,经过十余次的手术治疗却仍无法挽救这年轻的小生命,Einz的父母均为医疗工程博士,他们决定在女儿离世后对其身体组织进行冷冻,她的遗体被保存在美国亚利桑那州的一个实验室中,他们希望未来的科技可将她复活。本片跟随拍摄了Einz 的家庭——她的父亲、母亲及哥哥是如何作出这个不寻常的决定的,这一举动也遭到了泰国甚至世界范围的讨论,但是Einz父亲还是希望给女儿留下这个生存的机会,而Einz哥哥也因妹妹的离别受到触动,投身于科学学习,希望在未来这项新兴的冷冻技术会有更深入的研究成果。
回复 :游泳队教练肖文(韩雪 饰)和丈夫以及患有自闭症的女儿过着优渥无忧的生活,直到某天看似完美的一切被突发性事件打乱。美丽的游泳队员白灵(朱圣祎 饰)因和另一位教练传出绯闻而上吊自杀。在此之后,曾经斥责过白灵的肖文仿佛被怨鬼所纠缠,她时时刻刻能够看到白灵那张充满憎恨的面庞。倍感折磨的肖文只得求助于古曼佛牌,希望冥冥中的力量能够帮助自己。然而肖文的生活依然朝着更加黑暗的方向发展,女儿佳佳仿佛经常和看不见的男孩玩耍,丈夫则背着妻子搞起外遇。种种痛苦而可怕的真相让肖文痛苦不堪,而恐怖事件还未就此止步……
回复 :入围2020年华沙电影节自由精神单元It all starts trivially – with a quarrel between a young married couple. The spouses are waiting for their first baby which is due very soon. Every day the situation is heating up. There comes a point when the main character – Dastan – can no longer stand the constant pressure from his wife. He decides to escape, just for one day, to go on a fishing trip with two friends. The future father, the unlucky businessman and the local police officer plan to get away from it all and just focus on fishing. However, a series of unforeseen events, turns their trip into a wild Tarantino-esque rollercoaster. A dynamic, ironic and funny story about real male bonding.