回复 :大卫·田纳特主演的ITV三集新剧《丹斯》发布首张定妆照!田纳特将饰演臭名昭著的苏格兰连环杀手丹尼斯·尼尔森。剧集卡司还包括杰森·沃特金斯(《王冠》)、丹尼尔·梅斯(《好兆头》)等。该剧根据布莱恩·马斯特斯撰写的书籍《为同伴杀戮》(Killing For Company)改编,讲述尼尔森在1978年-1983年期间曾杀害15名年轻男子。Luke Neal(第一、二集)与凯利·琼斯(第三集)操刀剧本,Polly Hill担任制作。
回复 :在英美非常流行的剧集之一,属于与Buffy同类型的魔届奇幻电视剧,同样也都是WB公司出品。三个魅力非凡的女巫在普通人生活面具下,运用超凡的法术对抗邪恶黑暗力量的故事。音乐剧情都可圈可点。by:meijubar.net
回复 :Almost a year has passed since Ellen Parsons left Hewes and Associates. She is now working in the District Attorney's office and is dealing with a fairly important drug case, trying to get a dealer to reveal the identity of his supplier. Patty Hewes is now acting on behalf of a group of investors trying to recover money they had entrusted to Louis Tobin and who, it turns out, was running a Ponzi scheme. With billions of dollars unaccounted for, Patty is trying to find any funds that may have been hidden by the Tobin family. Patty and Ellen have had no contact since her departure but Patty has been reluctant to re-assign her office, convinced that Ellen will return. She even sends her an expensive handbag. Ellen wants nothing to do with her however and when she thinks Patty may be interfering with her drug case, tells her she doesn't need any help. She also tells her that any secrets she may have are perfectly safe. In a flash-forward 6 months into the future, Patty Hewes is in a serious accident when another car broadsides her vehicle in an intersection. The occupant of the other vehicle has fled but it is registered to someone she knows.