讲述了宋伊人饰演的大学生若一,为了完成自己的毕业作品而无意陷入复杂的凶杀案之中,在一家旅店的“最后一间房”中经历了层层叠叠的不解之谜与错综复杂的离奇事件之后,最终发现“真相”并深陷险境…… 女尸!女鬼?尘封的怨灵⋯⋯当女孩不顾禁忌,踏入酒店最后一间房,怨魂惊起,杀意袭来!镜中鬼影飘忽不定、深藏密室的女尸散发摄魂凉意、美艳老板娘透露着捉摸不透的诡异深情、神志不清的男人言语含糊、血染的破损日记、残缺暗黄的老旧照片、凄厉的惨叫⋯⋯当最后一间房被徐徐打开,极限恐怖让所有人不寒而栗!
讲述了宋伊人饰演的大学生若一,为了完成自己的毕业作品而无意陷入复杂的凶杀案之中,在一家旅店的“最后一间房”中经历了层层叠叠的不解之谜与错综复杂的离奇事件之后,最终发现“真相”并深陷险境…… 女尸!女鬼?尘封的怨灵⋯⋯当女孩不顾禁忌,踏入酒店最后一间房,怨魂惊起,杀意袭来!镜中鬼影飘忽不定、深藏密室的女尸散发摄魂凉意、美艳老板娘透露着捉摸不透的诡异深情、神志不清的男人言语含糊、血染的破损日记、残缺暗黄的老旧照片、凄厉的惨叫⋯⋯当最后一间房被徐徐打开,极限恐怖让所有人不寒而栗!
回复 :彌里(山岸逢花 飾)與丈夫孝明搬進了新公寓,在某次機緣下受到隔壁鄰居舞香(範田紗紗 飾)的幫助,兩人從此培養出好交情。某日,舞香提議兩家人一起吃頓飯,在用餐時彌里發現舞香的丈夫大輝,對於妻子愛情的表現十分開放而訝異不已,更意想不到的是,這對鄰居夫妻竟提出交換性伴侶的邀約…。
回复 :父が失踪したマコトは、母と2人、住み慣れた街を離れて新しい街へと向かう。内縁の妻と密やかに生活を送るケンジ、その妻ハルカはある秘密を抱えていた。妻を亡くし、父1人で2人の子供を育てるタケオは、子供たちと海へドライブに出かけた。久しぶりに実家へ帰ってきたユウイチは、自分の名を呼ぶ女性に森の中へといざなわれていく。―これは4人の男の4つの家族が、複雑に絡み合い、喪失から再生へと向かう様を、静かに描く叙情詩。
回复 :Adam is a teenage artist coming of age in the aftermath of an alien takeover. The Vuvv, a species of hyper-intelligent extraterrestrials, brought wondrous technology to earth, but only the wealthiest can afford it. The rest of humanity, their livelihoods now obsolete, have to scrape together money in the tourism industry. In the case of Adam and his budding love interest Chloe, that means livestreaming their courtship for the amusement of the coffee-table sized Vuvv, who find human love exotic and interesting. When Adam and Chloe's scheme goes sideways, Adam and his mother have to find their way out of an increasingly nightmarish alien bureaucracy.Writer-director Cory Finley (Thoroughbreds, 2017 Sundance Film Festival) returns to Park City with this brazenly original sci-fi trip that features a breakout performance by Asante Blackk. Based on the novel by National Book Award winner M.T. Anderson, the film carefully threads its comedic fantasies with a morose sensibility that sends audiences on a probing exploration of class and commerce.