春暖When Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings, a washed-up former pro football star hits rock bottom, he is sentenced to community service coaching an unruly pee-wee football team in his hometown, he just may turn his life around and reclaim his love of the game.
春暖When Jaycen "Two Js" Jennings, a washed-up former pro football star hits rock bottom, he is sentenced to community service coaching an unruly pee-wee football team in his hometown, he just may turn his life around and reclaim his love of the game.
回复 :同是警察的黄姜(黄秋生)和七喜(刘青云)情同手足,然而两人行事上却有天壤之别,黄姜刚正不阿,七喜却与黑帮老大盲超(吴镇宇)是结拜兄弟,某次行动中,黄姜迫于无奈将七喜连同盲超击毙,事后也没解释原因,令七喜老婆对其生出误会。十多年后,七喜的儿子(黄浩然)与盲超的儿子阿威(陈小春)长大成人,并各自继承父业分别成了警察和黑帮老大。阿威一直想报父仇,可乐在不了解事情的真相前也有这样的打算,但在知晓事实后,开始为选黑还是选白犯难。
回复 :史进盘踞少华山,希望建功立业上梁山。为了救被贺太守强占的画室王义的女儿而潜入太守府,和刺杀贺太守的鲁智深搅在了一起。为了救鲁智深,史进杀出重围,用冒充宿太尉入华州救人的方法骗过了贺太守,成功救出兄弟。
回复 :一个穷困的大学肄业生为了12万5千美元奖金,开始玩一个离奇古怪的1980年代生存题材电脑游戏。随后她被游戏诅咒,面临危险的选择和扭转现实的挑战,并经历了一系列恐怖事件。此时她终于意识到:自己不是为了钱而玩游戏,而是为了命。