黯夜Publicist Alyssa Banks thinks she's in a fairytale when she meets a British prince who whisks her away to Europe. However, Alyssa's dream quickly turns into a nightmare when the volatile prince refuses to let her leave his family's estate.
黯夜Publicist Alyssa Banks thinks she's in a fairytale when she meets a British prince who whisks her away to Europe. However, Alyssa's dream quickly turns into a nightmare when the volatile prince refuses to let her leave his family's estate.
回复 :單親爸爸荷利托與女兒葉莎相依為命雖然資源有限,父女倆仍以歡笑面對、快樂度日。然而平靜的生活,卻在荷利托意外捲入一名小女孩的死亡後變了調。遭指控為嫌犯並鋃鐺入獄的他,被迫與女兒分隔兩地,又因著智能障礙無法為自己辯護,只能默默承受牢獄之災。所幸荷利托的純真心靈使他和獄友建立革命情感,然而庭審就在眼前,他究竟能否洗刷冤屈,重回家庭呢?
回复 :司南(岛吾·德米尔考 Doğu Demirkol 饰)是一个土耳其男孩,刚刚从大学毕业的他正在准备出版自己的第一部小说。然而,出版小说需要启动资金,这是目前司南最缺乏的东西,无奈之下,他只得返回故乡恰纳卡莱省的乡下,在那里,居住着和司南久未联系的父亲伊德里斯(穆拉特·杰姆吉尔 Murat Cemcir 饰)。司南本来有一个非常幸福的家庭,然而伊德里斯染上了赌博的恶习,这个恶习让他的家庭最终走向了分崩离析,这也是司南记恨自己父亲的最大原因。伊德里斯本来是一名德高望重的教师,赌博令他失去一切,还背负上了巨额债务,儿子的回归让伊德里斯不得不再度面对自己失败的过去。
回复 :To save the world, Super Furball has to save the bees. In order to do that, the heroic guinea pig has to save the biggest bully in school.