必出Adult Swim频道续订旗下超高收视动画片《瑞克和莫蒂》(Rick and Morty)第三季。
必出Adult Swim频道续订旗下超高收视动画片《瑞克和莫蒂》(Rick and Morty)第三季。
回复 :作为HoneyWorks 10周年纪念项目,从勇次郎和愛蔵的相遇到LIP x LIP的形成的故事拍成电影!
回复 :Bart's cartoon about an angry dad is turned into "Angry Dad: The Movie" and quickly becomes a critics' favorite. When Russell Brand presents the Golden Globe to Bart's film, Homer usurps the podium and gives his own acceptance speech. The film's winning streak continues with Homer taking credit at each ceremony, so when "Angry Dad" receives an Oscar nomination, Bart keeps it a secret. With the help of DJ Kwanzaa, Homer and Marge arrive at the ceremony just as Halle Berry presents the award. Bart's fellow nominee, Nick Park, helps him realize that creating a film is a team effort, and Bart gives credit where credit is due.
回复 :少年杨凡妹妹惨死,并惨遭女友出卖,机缘巧合之下重生回到了末世爆发前! 上一世,你们欺我、辱我、出卖我,这一世重生归来! 杨凡捏了捏手中的超级戒指:“只有最强者才配生存下去,而我,就是那个最强者!”