妖孽A documentary crew and a team of amateur ghost hunters go to investigate a haunted hotel. How many will be left alive?
妖孽A documentary crew and a team of amateur ghost hunters go to investigate a haunted hotel. How many will be left alive?
回复 :An inspirational survival story of Deepika Kumari who, as a girl born on the roadside to abject poverty in rural India, went in search of food, stumbled upon archery, and within 4 years became the Number One archer in the World.
回复 :美国陆军战斗医疗人员詹娜·康纳利因心脏病发作被召回家中,帮助疏远的父亲。她发现这个曾经原始的牧场已经年久失修,当地警长与当地的牧场主牲畜有着邪恶的联系。詹娜现在发现自己面对她埋藏的情感过去,因为她的工资战争对腐败的政治力量。灵感来自加里·达辛格,一个迪金森,ND牧场主的真实事件,以及他2017年为拯救他的马而进行的斗争。
回复 :文斌为了完成父亲遗愿,来到南海考察黑宝号的下落,意外闯入禁地,与伪装成科考船的猎宝海盗遭遇,又被深海水怪所袭击。在仪器失灵,几名下海探宝海盗被水怪吃掉的情形下,海盗绑架文斌妻子,威逼文斌下海打捞宝物,文斌为保护妻子,冒死下海。此时水怪正慢慢逼近,将文斌推向了绝境。而海盗的背后,隐藏着大清宝藏的惊天秘密,激起了最后的绝杀……