回复 :传奇摇滚乐队U2主唱Bono跟吉他手The Edge重返音乐起点都柏林,接受知名主持人大卫·莱特曼采访,讲述摇滚史上最动人的一段友谊故事,以及多首伟大金曲背后的灵感来源。
回复 :The lady is Mrs. Hilyard, a wealthy poetess who lives in a three-story city mansion and her cage is her elevator, which stops a dozen feet short of the main floor due to an electrical failure on a July 4th weekend. She rings her outside alarm, eventually noticed by a drunken derelict, who breaks into the house, ignores her plight and helps himself to various items and alcohol. He leaves with his loot but returns a while later with a plump prostitute and three teenage hoodlums, who proceed to terrorize Mrs. Hilyard as they wreck her home.
回复 :老实可爱、专心工作的班尼(Anand Tiwari 饰)和整日花天酒地、享受生活的两名损友哈迪克(Kunal Khemu 饰)、拉弗(Vir Das 饰)生活在一起。某天,洗心革面的拉弗被女友三振出局,浪荡不羁的哈迪克也遭老板扫地出门。适逢班尼即将前往度假胜地果阿公干,三个好朋友一拍即合,驱车同行。在当地拉弗遇见了Facebook的朋友露娜(Puja Gupta 饰),在后者的介绍下,三名好友乘船来到某小岛参加俄国黑手党组织的终极派对。派对之上,主办方发售了一种新型毒品,谁知却导致意想不到的后果。次日清晨,哈迪克、拉弗、班尼他们发现,这座小岛已经被恐怖的丧尸占领,他们必须想方设法逃出生天……