佐佐After years in the limelight, Selena Gomez achieves unimaginable stardom. But just as she reaches a new peak, an unexpected turn pulls her into darkness. This uniquely raw and intimate documentary spans her six-year journey into a new light.
佐佐After years in the limelight, Selena Gomez achieves unimaginable stardom. But just as she reaches a new peak, an unexpected turn pulls her into darkness. This uniquely raw and intimate documentary spans her six-year journey into a new light.
回复 :一部曾被德国纳粹禁映的表现主义电影代表作!本片是1922年《马布斯博士》上下集后的续集,有着浓厚的表现主义色彩。影片对纳粹和希特勒的影射非常明显,因此刚上映便遭禁。本片讲述地下犯罪集团头目马布斯被抓到疯人院,但在那里依然口出狂言,发号施令,直到他死后,这些指令在外面仍有人执行,让警察百思不得其解……
回复 :As a medical team tries to understand 10-year-old Maya Kowalski's rare illness, they begin to question her parents. Suddenly, Maya is in state custody - despite a family desperate to bring their daughter home.
回复 :讲述当全世界都在寻找一种可以治愈灾难性病毒的方法时,一名科学家和一名公园侦察员,便在森林深处冒险进行常规设备运行。一整夜,他们的旅程变成了穿越黑暗之心的恐怖旅程,森林环绕着他们疯狂生长。