回复 :一个保守秘密的年轻妻子发现自己陷入了双重生活。
回复 :足迹遍及全日本的寅次郎这次以为叔叔患上了重病,决定返回故乡柴又,暂住叔叔和婶婶家,当然又惹下了不少麻烦。在机缘巧合下,寅次郎搬进一家豆腐店居住,并对老板娘的女儿节子产生了好感。可惜节子已有心上人,寅次郎这次注定又要失恋了。
回复 :8-year old Oskar lives in a family-run children's home. Every day he escapes to the world of his own imagination. His idol is the hero of a tv series, Detective Bruno. On the day of his birthday, the boy receives a treasure-hunt clue left behind by his late parents. Oskar decides to hire Detective Bruno, his favourite TV series character, to solve the quest. Real-life Bruno, the worn- out actor in PR crisis, decides to use Oscar to rebuild his image. They embark on an urban adventure through Warsaw. The journey makes Bruno change his ways and helps Oskar cope with the loss of his parents.