回复 :艾丽·范宁将主演Hulu新剧《来自普莱恩维尔的女孩》(The Girl From Plainville,暂译)。该剧根据米歇尔·卡特的真实故事改编,2017年,卡特(范宁饰)因三年前发短信鼓励男友自杀而被判过失杀人罪,臭名昭著。丽兹·汉娜([华盛顿邮报])和帕特里克·马克曼努斯(《幻想快乐》)将共同撰写该剧剧本。
回复 :Austin, a musician and singer and Ally, a songwriter, are paired up unexpectedly but rely on their two best friends, Trish and Dex, to keep things together. Austin and Dex decide to record one of Ally's songs without her knowing and post it on the internet. Austin becomes an instant sensation. Austin begs Ally to expose herself as the writer and write him another song, but instead they pair up for a totally talented pop duo!
回复 :为了逃避和妈宝男联姻,婚礼当天我一气之下当场拉个端菜员求婚并领证,以为他是个身兼数职的穷小子,无意中竟是富可敌国的大总裁!