极速解《新西游记 6》中节目组表示《姜食堂2 》会在暖和的季节回归。
极速解《新西游记 6》中节目组表示《姜食堂2 》会在暖和的季节回归。
回复 :Following the success of 'Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family', engaging presenter and biologist Patrick Ayree returns to investigate our closest relatives in the natural world - primates. 'Monkeys: An Amazing Animal Family' is a lavish documentary that follows Patrick across the globe as he explores the incredible evolutionary rise of dazzlingly different primate species. Today, there are more than 300 species of primates. All of different shapes and sizes, they can jump higher, swing further and solve problems better than virtually any other animal group on Earth. But how and why? Patrick gets up close and personal with apes and monkeys as he climbs the primate family tree. Beginning 60 million years ago in Asia's dense forests, he discovers the origin of the earliest primates and how they conquered the world, making it from South Africa to America where they evolved into the intelligent, inquisitive and more physical members of the primate family that we now know as monkeys. As well as investigating the rise of the apes and the birth of our closest animal relative, the gorilla, Patrick explores why these creatures developed into incredible acrobats and how they evolved to have strong and long tails, loud howls or huge claws. From the tiny mouse lemur to the giant gorilla, Patrick explores them all in a stunning three-part documentary that features gorgeous photography, extraordinary animal behavior and one of TV's brightest new presenting talents.
回复 :STORY主人公是超级有钱的大家族中的大小姐富士原なえか,她的父母乘坐的飞机突然神秘失踪,而なえか只有到了18岁才能取得财产继承权,为了保护直系孙女,なえか的爷爷富士原善重郎从他的「女仆王国(其实是忍者王国)」中挑选了两位无论是相貌还是身手都高人一等身怀绝技的忍者做なえか的保镖兼照顾生活起居的女仆。这两位忍者,一位是颇有大姐姐风范的治愈系女仆,另外一个则是终日套著假面的精壮肌肉男兼心理变态者……。号称「为了主人我什么都愿意做」的古怪「女仆」究竟能否保护女主人的安全呢?STAFF原作:赤衣丸擋堞监督:迫井政行系列构成:ふでやすかずゆき人物设计&揬作画监督:あおい小梅设计工作&揬作画监督:大冢美登理美术监督:冈本有香(pooka 工房)撮影监督:松井伸哉色彩设计:上村修司编集:木村佳史子音响监督:高桑一音抌:大久保慬音响制作:神南studio动画制作:Mad House动画制作赞助:IMAGINCASTメイドガイ□コガラシ:小山力也富士原なえか:井口裕香メイドガイテイマみ□フブキ:丰口めぐみ和泉英子:加藤英美里平野美和:小林ゆう田原暱餏希:甲斐田裕子リズ:藤田擣富士原幸助:阪口大助大富士原全重郎:劷狧ツララ:冈宽惠シズク:神田朱未
回复 :一部由 PBS 出品、极富视觉冲击力的科普巨作,一场用画面演绎和探寻宇宙终极奥秘的讲堂。从牛顿因苹果产生的力学顿悟,到爱因斯坦相对论,再到量子论,弦理论……《宇宙的构造》共四部分,取材自同名著作,作者兼物理学家 Brian Greene 和世界名校的专家学者一同为观众介绍时间、空间和宇宙的概念。The Fabric of the Cosmos: What is Space? 什么是空间?The Fabric of the Cosmos: Illusion of Time 时间幻觉The Fabric of the Cosmos: Quantum Leap 量子跃迁The Fabric of the Cosmos: Universe or Multiverse? 单宇宙还是多宇宙?