回复 :Pororo and friends are back! This time, they present exciting adventures and friendship in Hammer Town deep in the forest, featuring dragons, wizards, and the colorful Dragon Castle. Arthur, the Great Dragon King, cursed for forgetting the importance of friendship, loses the Dragon Heart, and turns into the Little Dragon. Pororo and his friends meet Arthur and are sent to the Dragon Castle by Ged the Wizard, who wants to steal the Dragon Heart and become the new Dragon King. Being with Pororo and his friends, who fight Ged to save friends in danger, Arthur realizes the importance of friends and the need for sincerity and sacrifice to protect them. This film is familiar yet fresh and fun, with brilliant performances from Pororo and his friends as well as some new characters, such as the Little Dragon, the Dragon Army, and the Robot Dragon.
回复 :这是个美丽而神奇的传说。热情开朗的苗人少女那笙为躲避乱世,长途跋涉寻找梦想家园——云荒。然而云荒真的就是传说中的桃源仙境吗?伴随着她深入云荒的每一步,上演着一幕幕光怪陆离又惊心动魄的血雨腥风,而一个个个性鲜明、卓然不群的传奇人物也竞相登场,演绎了一幕幕凄美动人的神话故事……
回复 :《雄兵连》描述了在神河宇宙中各星系文明与神秘的虚空世界之间的发生的科幻战争,一支由超级基因继承者们组成的军队,在地球面临外星入侵时一起奋勇抗敌的故事,其主旨是弘扬中国精神,抗击外星入侵,展现尖端作战魅力。通过塑造完整的世界观,《雄兵连》为观众粉丝展现一个史诗级动漫巨作。