国产Three women struggle to survive in the Alaskan wilderness after a mysterious event has left them homeless. Along the way, they encounter other survivors who are out to help or hurt them, as well as a dangerous supernatural presence.
国产Three women struggle to survive in the Alaskan wilderness after a mysterious event has left them homeless. Along the way, they encounter other survivors who are out to help or hurt them, as well as a dangerous supernatural presence.
回复 :64年,37个美国人成为了仰望星空却不知脚下的泰勒斯,在老旧的民房中,他们专注于仰望中产阶级的梦想却听不见一个被强奸致死女性的呼声,就如和颐酒店发生的一切那般
回复 :朴花英是一名鲁蛇高中生,在被母亲遗弃后独自生活。许多年轻人会到她家裡聚会狂欢,在那喝酒、吃泡麵和做爱,儘管大家都称呼她“妈妈”,但大部分的人只是在利用她。花英唯一的朋友美静,是个立志成为演员的校园美女,但是美静的男朋友英宰鄙视花英,每当他发怒时就会无情地攻击她。这样的关係终于在某个意外发生后失衡,造成花英心中难以抹灭的创伤。这部影片写实地反映了底层阶级青少年无力改变现状的绝望生活。
回复 :入围2019年全州计划。讲述一个男人与不同人交谈后,经历了一系列的心境变化。