一个电视制片人与Max和Caroline进行接洽……他们要在两人的蛋糕店橱窗前拍摄一集热门真人秀《Keeping Up With The Kardashians》!欧美对两个女孩来说,欧美拥有2400万微博追随者的Kim Kardashian West是她们提升蛋糕店人气的绝佳机会。
一个电视制片人与Max和Caroline进行接洽……他们要在两人的蛋糕店橱窗前拍摄一集热门真人秀《Keeping Up With The Kardashians》!欧美对两个女孩来说,欧美拥有2400万微博追随者的Kim Kardashian West是她们提升蛋糕店人气的绝佳机会。
回复 :你曾经有过21天的时间告诉别人你爱他们吗?根据某人暗恋的真实故事改编。
回复 :十年前,帕波(泰勒·席林 Taylor Schilling 饰)大学毕业后结识了一名女毒贩艾丽克斯(劳拉·普莱潘 Laura Prepon 饰),与她成为恋人并随她环游世界,后来在她要求下参加了一次运毒行动。时过境迁,帕波离开了艾丽克斯,过上正常生活。一天,她和未婚夫(贾森·比格斯 Jason Biggs 饰)被警方告知,十年前那桩贩毒案被破获,帕波遭到逮捕。帕波主动来到女子监狱服刑,为期15个月。面对监狱的新环境,初来乍到的帕波感到不知所措,糟糕的是她还不小心得罪了厨房负责人红姨,遭到红姨的报复。不仅如此,她还在监狱里重遇了昔日女友艾丽克斯。在这座联邦女子监狱内,帕波遇到形形色色的女囚,第一次领略到“监狱文化”,她将要处理各种各样的问题。尽管认识了一群性格坦率的女囚犯,但她的牢狱生活绝不会一帆风顺……
回复 :ITV's critically acclaimed crime drama returns, starring multi-award winning actress Brenda Blethyn as DCI Vera Stanhope. Based on the bestselling Inspector Stanhope books by renowned writer Ann Cleeves, Vera and her team are faced with a series of daunting challenges. From delving into the unsettling private life of an old colleague, attempting to break through the code of secrecy in the army, to coping with the emotional impact on a family torn apart by addiction, each enthralling story is enhanced by captivating performances of this shambolic yet brilliant detective in action. Combined with beautifully shot landscapes and atmospheric production, each film creates a haunting backdrop for Vera's inner turmoil as she discovers hidden truths about her own past, which threaten to change her life forever.