国产观A straight-laced young woman, in fierce denial of being diagnosed with terminal melanoma, finds herself carried away on an impulsive adventure by a queer stranger.
国产观A straight-laced young woman, in fierce denial of being diagnosed with terminal melanoma, finds herself carried away on an impulsive adventure by a queer stranger.
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回复 :鸦片战争后,西方列强用枪炮打开了中国的门户,肆无忌惮地用各种手段对中国进行残酷的掠夺。尽管世界上贩卖黑奴的活动已逐步衰退,但是贩卖华工这一罪恶行径,却在中国东南沿海兴盛起来。英国驻厦门的领事查理士,接到威廉爵士的一封密信,要他从中国运送500名华工到澳洲去开掘金矿……
回复 :Although the evidence appears to be overwhelming in the strangulation murder of a blackmailer, Miss Marple's sole 'not guilty' vote han gs the jury 11-1. She becomes convinced that the real murderer is a member of a local theatrical troupe, so she joins them in order to gather information. The clues lead back many years to a single disastrously unsuccessful 1951 performance of a dreadful play written by the group's hammy director, H. Driffold Cosgood. Although at that time, several of the current cast members were only children, more murders follow before Miss Marple ultimately exposes the killer.英国影片。片长90分,根據Mrs. McGinty's Dead改編,原著是波羅故事。因影片将主角变为马普尔小姐和剧情的更改引起原小說作者克里斯蒂强烈不满,影片本身也遭遇票房和评论惨败。主演Margaret Rutherford还出演過另外3部以马普尔小姐为主角的电影,其中1部亦是根据波洛故事改编(「葬礼之后」),另1部是原创剧本。80年代在多部电视剧中扮演塔彭丝的Francesca Annis也在本片中扮演一个小角色。