春暖London cabbie Mason McQueen takes on the challenge to drive a taxi in three very different cities around the world.
春暖London cabbie Mason McQueen takes on the challenge to drive a taxi in three very different cities around the world.
回复 :讲述一下子就成了乡村超市社长的都市男人们的乡村超市营业日志的综艺节目,是去年因温暖治愈综艺而备受好评的《首尔乡巴佬》的制作团队再次合作的新项目。
回复 :喫茶店「RAINYCOLOR」のマスター・シオンの双子の弟ニコラとノエルが突然日本にやってきた!さらに、オーナー天見と知り合いという写真家の有沢も現れて・・・・・・?1枚の写真をめぐる、喫茶店「RAINYCOLOR」で巻き起こるハートフル・コメディ!
回复 :At his first show in LA for 10 years, Chappelle charges straight into the fire with bits on Bill Cosby, O.J. Simpson, and his own brushes with controversy.阔别洛杉矶10年后的首秀,查贝尔借用调侃Bill Cosby,O.J Simpson和自己过往的风波,直接了当地将现场推向高潮。