快猫MAYDAY FLY TO 2023五月天線上跨年演唱會諾亞方舟十週年特別版2022 / 12 / 3122:30 準時入場22:45 準時播出(節目確切開始時間 以現場實際情況為主)關於昨天的幻想 我們都曾有過或者就在今天 重新來過三維空間 雲端互動螢光海MAYDAY元宇宙 再進化諾亞方舟 迎來十年之約為你寫下一場名為回憶的跨年再見2022 航向2023
快猫MAYDAY FLY TO 2023五月天線上跨年演唱會諾亞方舟十週年特別版2022 / 12 / 3122:30 準時入場22:45 準時播出(節目確切開始時間 以現場實際情況為主)關於昨天的幻想 我們都曾有過或者就在今天 重新來過三維空間 雲端互動螢光海MAYDAY元宇宙 再進化諾亞方舟 迎來十年之約為你寫下一場名為回憶的跨年再見2022 航向2023
回复 :Dreamy animated images in detailed henna painting and atmospheric watercolours dominate a young Spanish artist’s moving journey of discovery. In a small bookshop in India, Inés comes across the feminist-utopian science fiction story “Sultana’s Dream.” It is about the terrible revenge on men, the bookseller explains. In the slim volume she wrote in 1905, Rokeya Hossain describes the fantasy realm of Ladyland – a land in which women are self-determined and live in peace, in which they run all government affairs and all forms of education are open to them. And the men? Their place in Ladyland, the bookseller continues, is where they belong: locked up at home.Fascinated by the literary “painting” of this place and its inventor, Inés sets out in the footsteps of the writer and teacher Hossain, who championed education and equal rights for Indian girls and women as early as the beginning of the 20th century. The trip takes the Spaniard across contemporary India. Her companions are the dreams of Ladyland – and the utterly different realities of the lives of the women she meets on her journey.源自:https://www.dok-leipzig.de/en/film/sultanas-dream/programm
回复 :スタッフ監督:岸誠二構成:上江洲誠キャラクターデザイン・総作画監督:森田和明キャラクターデザイン:廣瀬智仁音楽:ランティス
回复 :小鸟游是家中独子,上有姐姐下有妹妹,从小生活在女人堆里,酷爱一切和可爱有关的事物。机缘巧合的来到一家叫做瓦古娜利亚的餐厅打工,开始了学校、打工、家事三点一线的忙碌生活。小鸟游渐渐发现,原来瓦古娜利亚餐厅的店员都各具特色:种岛是个外形娇小,长着一张娃娃脸的可爱女生,凭借这令自己相当头疼的卡哇伊外形深得大家疼爱。伊波有着男性恐惧症,对女顾客服务完美的无法挑剔,却因为这奇怪的病症经常殴打男顾客。八千代是外场负责人,特点是喜欢佩戴一把武士道,和爱吃的店长白藤杏子,冷面厨师佐藤三人有着暧昧不清的关系。面对这些怪异却有趣的同事,小鸟游也随着时间渐渐融入到了这别具特色的餐厅打工生活中。