优馆Tomás, an 11-year-old boy living in his own fantasy world, must use his vast monster knowledge to fight against his new English teacher: a wicked woman who is, in fact, a child-eating monster.
优馆Tomás, an 11-year-old boy living in his own fantasy world, must use his vast monster knowledge to fight against his new English teacher: a wicked woman who is, in fact, a child-eating monster.
回复 :居住在德里,以卖枪为生的社会青年索努.迪力一向得意于自己坑蒙拐骗的本领,然而突如其来的恋爱却唤起了他回归正道的念头。在他想要退出江湖时,一位质朴的警察来了,在他的威胁之下,索努被迫作为警方线人深入德里枪支贸易的最深处,从黑暗走向更深的黑暗……他能否全身而退?他的爱情会被谎言所断送吗?警方看似正义的行动背后有什么秘密?这次卧底之行从他的身上带走的,会是良知,爱情,羁绊,还是生命?
回复 :A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to send anyone running. So why does he stay? And why are so many people drawn to Penance Lane?
回复 :根据真人经历改编,讲述16岁的杰米想成为一位变装皇后,却因此备受霸凌和歧视,在母亲和好友的支持下,他终于勇敢地去实现梦想。