在美国生活的某个富裕家庭身上持续发生奇怪的超自然现象,亚洲因此他们请来了在巫师之中著名的年轻巫师花林(金高银 饰)和奉吉(李到晛 饰)。花林和奉吉到达那个地方后救助了刚刚出生的婴儿,亚洲明白了他们祖先黑暗的影子正在降临于那家人身上的事实。花林和奉吉持续调查,为了驱除祖先向最棒的风水师尚德(崔岷植 饰)和入殓师荣根(柳海真 饰)请求帮助。惊讶的是那块墓地在韩国的某个偏僻村庄的阴凉之处被发现,最终进行破墓。但是破墓的同时,坟墓下方的不吉之气开始爆发……
在美国生活的某个富裕家庭身上持续发生奇怪的超自然现象,亚洲因此他们请来了在巫师之中著名的年轻巫师花林(金高银 饰)和奉吉(李到晛 饰)。花林和奉吉到达那个地方后救助了刚刚出生的婴儿,亚洲明白了他们祖先黑暗的影子正在降临于那家人身上的事实。花林和奉吉持续调查,为了驱除祖先向最棒的风水师尚德(崔岷植 饰)和入殓师荣根(柳海真 饰)请求帮助。惊讶的是那块墓地在韩国的某个偏僻村庄的阴凉之处被发现,最终进行破墓。但是破墓的同时,坟墓下方的不吉之气开始爆发……
回复 :811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate measure of going on a Viking raid. Joar does not return for a long time, and the family starts to fear he never will. Runa, the oldest daughter, takes over her fathers chores in his absence. She misses him dearly and nourishes a tender hope that he, once again, will return to them. But in her heart, somehow she knows, that the suffering of the family has just begun. There is something in the air, something in the water, the wind and in the soil. Runa is becoming aware of something vile, something dangerous out in the forest. One day when she is out hunting, she finds a bleeding man, a warrior, almost unconscious. She brings him inside and the family tend to his wounds. As he heals, she realizes he is sent to protect the family from an approaching evil. And he brings news of her father.
回复 :曼哈顿医院接收了一位年轻的女病人,据说她是被不知名的生物强暴了。医院的医生们想尽一切办法想把受害者身上奇怪的物质剔除出来,可是似乎怎么弄也没办法清除乾净。女受害者在半昏迷状态下自己离开了医院,她完全不知道她体内已经不是单纯的人类器官,衍生的物体将会给她最终的宿命.。
回复 :被帶到山上的一群專家,將發現潛伏的致命生物!他們須跟傳說中的生物對抗到底…退役軍人內絲和她的同事們被招募來搜尋潛伏在威爾士山區的野獸。很快,士兵們就知道野獸是一條龍,他們將需要更多的東西來保護自己,因為他們開始被最終的掠奪者一一追捕…